As a network of advice providers, NCAN are proud to partner with several Norfolk organisations working to develop welcoming environments and support for asylum seekers and refugees.
Regardless of the national conversation around immigration, Norfolk has a long history of being a place of sanctuary to those seeking it. Organisations such as the Bridge Plus+, New Routes and GYROS are often the first port of call when it comes to supporting refugees and asylum seekers locally.
City of Sanctuary is a national charity that strives to build a culture of welcome for people seeking sanctuary. Many of them have lost their homes, fled persecution and now seek safety. There is an amazing network of charities that support refugees and asylum seekers in Norfolk. Norwich City of Sanctuary works with organisations across nine different sectors or ‘streams.’ They include schools, faith groups and workplaces. Norwich City of Sanctuary support them on their way to providing a warm welcome to people seeking sanctuary.
With support from Empowering Communities, Norwich City of Sanctuary are working with community groups in Diss, Dereham and Watton to create new towns of sanctuary. NCAN are also partnering with them to provide ‘Speak Up for Sanctuary’ training – a programme to support people having difficult conversations about asylum and the UK’s approach to refugee protection.
Join the Annual Celebration Party
On Monday 5th February, the City of Sanctuary network will come together for their annual celebration (Norwich Arts Centre – 6pm to 8.30pm). This is an opportunity to learn more about the various work streams and spend an evening with like-minded people and organisations who share the message of welcome.
If you would like to attend the City of Sanctuary annual celebration you can book tickets here.
Find out more about Norwich City of Sanctuary and their local offer here.
NCAN’s next partnership meeting is on Wednesday 7th February 2024 (10:00am) and will feature a spotlight on City of Sanctuary, The Bridge Plus+ and other groups working with refugee and migrant communities locally. If you would like to sign up to the NCAN partnership mailing list, please e-mail
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