Our Team
We have put four teams in place to deliver this programme, made up of core partner staff.
We aim to ensure a ‘no wrong door’ policy – if we can’t help you directly through the programme, we probably know someone who can! If there is a gap in support we will identify this and raise it within the Empowering Communities Steering Group to find a solution and identify additional resources.
If you make an enquiry, one of the team below will be in touch. All teams can be contacted through: enquiries@ecnorfolk.org.uk and welcome any feedback about the service they provide.
Here is an overview of teams:
Events & Training Team
This team looks after the joint events programme and includes staff from core-partner organisations. The team meet regularly to plan and review the shared events programme, which includes Good Practice events, Expert Seminars and Training courses and workshops. If you have questions or feedback about the events programme, please contact us.
Information & Communications
This team looks after the information coming into the programme and ensures it gets shared with you in the best way. The team includes staff from across our partners’ community and communications teams. If you have information to share with the sector, please send it to us.
Enquiries Team
This team will connect you to the advice, resources, and information you need and signpost onto other services when necessary. The team bring a wealth of experience in support groups. We seek to ensure a ‘no wrong door’ approach and to ensure that enquiries are dealt with by the best person or organisation. Feel free to get in touch if you need support.
Strategic Voice Team
This team coordinates feedback and intelligence from the sector and ensures it is shared to enable sector influence and voice, this team directs the strategic information coming back out to the sector. The team includes core partner leads, Rik, and Lucy, and together with Claire from NCF, Tasha from CAN and Willow from FUSE they lead and facilitate the Leaders’ Voice Network. Please get in touch, if you have an issue you want to raise or feedback that you would like to share with the partnership.