Empowering Communities Networks

The Empowering Communities networks are central to the programme, enabling the sector to connect, collaborate and champion their needs.

By joining one of these Empowering Communities networks you will gain access to an online notice-board where you can share information with the network, and find up to date information and resources easily.

Voluntary Norfolk Network

The Voluntary Norfolk (VN) Network is for Norfolk-based charities, community groups, social enterprises and volunteer involving organisations. For further information and to sign up: The Voluntary Norfolk Network | Voluntary Norfolk

VCSE Leadership Network

This Network supports those in leadership roles within Norfolk’s VCSE sector by creating a space for relationships and collaborations to develop and experiences to be shared. By making connections and sharing challenges, we aim to build our collective strength and influence. The Network also aims to support those in leadership roles to work effectively and develop their confidence, providing peer support and sharing of lived experiences.

The VCSE Leadership Network meets quarterly, alternating between hybrid and online. To join, please sign up to the Voluntary Norfolk Network here and tick the box to join the VCSE Leadership Network, or email enquiries@ecnorfolk.org.uk

Volunteer Coordinators Network

Voluntary Norfolk runs a network for Volunteer Coordinators and Managers, providing a space to learn from peers and share challenges. To join the network, please sign up to the Voluntary Norfolk Network here and tick the box to join the Volunteer Coordinators Network. Or, to find out more, contact volunteercentre@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk