NHS Norfolk and Waveney launched

Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across local councils, the NHS, and other partners including social care providers and the voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector.  On Friday 1 July 2022, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group was replaced by a new organisation called NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) also known as NHS Norfolk and Waveney.

Taking a different role to its predecessor, NHS Norfolk and Waveney will help to bring organisations together, working together, removing traditional barriers and more. The organisation is part of the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS), working with partners in local government, the voluntary sector and others and helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development and tackle inequalities in health outcomes.

A statutory Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) has also been established as a formal alliance of partners with a role in improving the health and wellbeing of our residents. Together the ICP will be responsible for agreeing an integrated care strategy for improving the health care, social care and public health across the whole of Norfolk and Waveney. The Norfolk and Waveney ICP will bring together the NHS, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and other partners to focus on prevention, wider social and economic factors affecting people’s health and reducing health inequalities.

In Norfolk and Waveney, we have already achieved a lot by working in partnership; this has been strengthened through our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes have been made possible by different organisations – NHS hospitals, GPs, mental health and community health services, local councils, care homes and social workers, voluntary and community organisations and others – joining forces to agree and plan for local people’s needs.

In this new chapter in health and care across Norfolk and Waveney constantly learning from the experiences of people and communities, as well as staff and colleagues across Norfolk and Waveney will be key to achieving system wide goals:

  • To make sure that people can live as healthy a life as possible – – preventing avoidable illness and tackling the root causes of poor health
  • To make sure that people only have to tell their story once – too often people have to explain to different health and care professionals what has happened in their lives, why they need help, the health conditions they have and which medication they are on. Services have to work better together
  • To make Norfolk and Waveney the best place to work in health and care – – having the best staff, and supporting them to work well together, will improve the working lives of our staff, and mean people get high quality, personalised and compassionate care.

Take a look at the new Norfolk and Waveney ICS website to find out more.  A new engagement hub and insight bank is being created which will help the ICS work together to engage in meaningful ways, reducing duplication and speaking with people and communities in a collective voice.  In the meantime you can share your views, thoughts and feedback as we work together to make sure everyone in Norfolk and Waveney can lead longer, healthier and happier lives.  A Google drive has also been developed which includes a range of resources for colleagues to use.

Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Strategy

Is based on the experiences, hopes and ideas of the people who use the NHS, the staff that work in it, and the communities that it serves.  The strategy represents an important voice, but it is one of a number of equally important voices that include finance, strategic oversight framework improvement, digital health, estates, and the wider integration agenda.  Developed during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our system’s strategy outlines our clinical objectives in detail for the next five years.  Colleagues across the system can currently comment on the latest draft – we want to hear from people so that it works for health and care staff across the system.  The strategy is available on the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership website.

While You Wait portal launched to support people to be fit and ready for treatment

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many people are waiting longer than usual for their operations or other procedures.  NHS Norfolk and Waveney is determined to help people receive their treatments as quickly as possible whichever hospital they are under.  However, sometimes by the time a person is called for their procedure it cannot go ahead because their medical fitness has got worse, or if a long-term condition has not been under control in the months before the procedure. This can be devastating for the person concerned.

To help support people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, we have developed the While You Wait portal on the Norfolk and Waveney ICS website. It gives people advice on what they can do to maintain or improve their physical and mental health while they wait, as well as support with how to get help if they are concerned. It includes tips and information on keeping healthy including a downloadable Exercise at Home guide, mental health resources, and links to local support services within Norfolk and Waveney as well as other trusted sources of information.

While You Wait also includes information on waiting times, with links to the NHS’s recently launched the My Planned Care website which provides access to average waiting times at hospitals across the country. Each hospital trust has a unique page on this site, which patients can access directly without having to contact their hospital or GP practice.

Carers, friends, and relatives can also see the information on both portals and, if needed, can help guide people through the detail and support them to make the lifestyle changes that will help them to be best prepared for their treatment or procedure.  To find out more visit http://whileyouwaitnw.co.uk

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