October Sector News Digest

Over the last month we have seen the importance of voluntary and community groups in influencing change, and supporting communities and individuals in overcoming the challenges they face.  With analysis by Age UK showing that “the headlong rush towards ‘digital by default’ is excluding millions of older people from being able to access and use the essential public services they need”.  We hope that the resources in our October Sector News Digest will be useful to you or your organisation in delivering your objectives and influencing change.

This Month’s Top Picks:

Advice for Trustees

The Charity Commission have launched the next phase of a trustee campaign which aims to help trustees check what they know about their duties and drive positive change in charities’ governance. This includes a Trustee Quiz, available here, designed to engage trustees (at all levels of experience) with a variety of questions based on everyday scenarios that they may encounter at their charity, to help identify knowledge gaps.

Single Use Plastic Ban

VCSEs planning community events and other activities should be aware that a ban on single-use plastic cutlery, single-use balloon sticks and certain types of polystyrene cups and food containers came into force across England on 1st October 2023, with some restrictions to the supply of single-use plastic trays and bowls to members of the public. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) have produced guidance for businesses, and a single-use plastic ban toolkit containing a number of resources.

Advice for charities about campaigning and fundraising

Enthuse has published its latest Donor Pulse report to help guide charities with their fundraising strategy and campaigns. It states that 59% of the public say charities are the most effective organisations to stand up for the rights of those who are disadvantaged.  However, charities should tread carefully around politically charged subjects with the public divided 51%-49% on whether they want charities to campaign for change versus staying out of politics.  Charity Digital has also produced a series of fundraising facts, including how the cost-of-living crisis has affected donors, the latest trends in fundraising events, the ways fundraisers are embracing digital, and more, available here.

Norwich Rough Sleeping Strategy

Norwich City Council are consulting on their draft rough sleeping strategy 2023-28 (open until Friday 20th October 2023) which aims to provide a high-level overview of the work Norwich City Council is doing, in partnership with a broad range of national and local agencies, to support people who are sleeping rough.

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