Launch of VCSE Leaders’ Voice Network

On 11th May 2022 the Empowering Communities Partnership facilitated a ‘Leaders Voices’ workshop which clearly identified the value of developing a Peer Led ‘VCSE Leaders Voice Network’.  In particular it highlighted the impact and importance of creating a space where leaders of VCSE organisations could share learning, experiences and expertise to support each other through the challenges of leading an organisation.  As well as providing opportunities for creating a collective voice around issues facing both organisations and beneficiaries.

Therefore, on 18th July 2022 between 12:00 and 14:00 (via Microsoft Teams), those in a leadership role within the VCSE sector are invited to attend the launch of Norfolk’s VCSE Leaders Voice Network.  As well as sharing and discussing the proposal for this Network, this first session will also take a thematic focus around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) including Discrimination and Racism from both VCSE leader and client perspectives.  It is anticipated that bi-monthly sessions of the Network will provide an opportunity to bring together thematically focused ‘VCSE expertise by experience’ to facilitate shared learning, understanding and awareness of good practice, followed by topic focused discussion to explore and address collective challenges and issues through solutions.  As well as time for broader discussion on items raised by Network members, with each session being facilitated by appropriate VCSE Leaders as opposed to a Chair/Vice Chair structure.

Providing a valued space for leaders to come together to share challenges, and identify solutions and opportunities, feels more important now than ever.  The Empowering Communities Partnership (ECP) hopes that collectively VCSE leaders will actively engage in and take ownership of the development of this ‘VCSE Leaders Voice Network’, supported by ECP, to ensure it reflects the needs and voices of VCSE leaders across the sector.

For further information and/or to receive the joining link for this session please email  Please do share this invitation with other VCSE colleagues as appropriate.

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