What would VCSE leaders want from a network for leaders?

  • As a VCSE leader what are the top three things you struggle with within your leadership role?
  • What three challenges facing your beneficiaries should VCSE sector leaders be collectively discussing to enable different approaches in Norfolk? 

The Empowering Communities Partnership (ECP) is exploring the development of a Peer Led Leaders Voice Network for leaders across the diversity of the VCSE sector. The development of the VCSE H&SC Assembly, and it’s role within the Integrated Care System (ICS) mean’s that the Norfolk VCSE Sector Leadership Group (SLG) has now ceased. The EC partnership recognize the achievements of the SLG in terms of its influence, challenge and representation, such as ensuring the VCSE’s voice on the Health and Wellbeing Board and Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB), however, we also recognize the need to move to a more collaborative, inclusive and supportive way of working. 

Hence, on Wednesday 11th May, those in a leadership role within the VCSE sector are invited to attend a ‘Leaders Voices’ workshop, taking place between 09:30 and 11:00 on Microsoft Teams, for an initial conversation to understand what might be needed and wanted from bringing together the voices of VCSE leaders. The ambition being to create a constructive, positive, trusted and valued environment specifically for VCSE sector leaders to; 

  • Build relationships and network with other VCSE leaders. 
  • Learn from a wide range of VCSE leaders and expertise across the sector e.g., through case studies or by sharing knowledge / practical skills.
  • Share, create and develop opportunities to work together to address collective problems and issues across beneficiaries.
  • Enable collective understanding and peer support of the struggles and challenges facing VCSE leaders.
  • Discuss the impacts on VCSE organisations and beneficiaries / communities of changes and problems in society both locally and nationally.  

For more information or if you would like to attend this session, please contact Tasha.Higgins@communityactionnorfolk.org.uk  Attendance is open to anyone who identifies themselves as in a leadership position within a VCSE organisation. Please come along and share your insights and if you are unable to attend, please do share your insights with Tasha on the above email. 

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