On 2nd October Voluntary Norfolk Communities Team brought together local businesses with Norfolk VCSEs. This was for an afternoon of sharing and networking at the amazing Aviva Marble Hall. This event was on the theme of corporate volunteering.
First we heard from Volunteering Development Manager Nicky Stainton. She talked about the current volunteering landscape and why voluntary organisations increasingly need to recruit volunteers from different walks of life. Brilliant guest speakers Tait Pollack from Pivotal (a local digital marketing agency) and Alex Blake from Aviva followed. Tait and Alex shared their organisations’ approaches to corporate volunteering. They focused on why giving their time to understand and support local causes is so important.
Our final speakers were from Leathes Prior solicitors and Age UK Norwich. They presented a great example of a VCSE-business partnership moving away from “team day”-style volunteering, instead using employees’ time and skills where they are needed most. Leathes Prior staff used their volunteering hours to call Age UK beneficiaries as part of their befriending scheme, improving their own wellbeing in the process (you can find out more about the scheme here).
While networking, VCSEs were encouraged to share their needs and businesses their offers, with the aim of creating mutually beneficial partnerships. There was a real buzz and definitely much appetite to continue making connections! Watch our short video on the event here. You can read more about corporate volunteering here.
See some of the photos of the event here:
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